Mountain Bike Skills Technique

Mountain Bike Technique - All The Necessary Skills
Mountain Bike Technique - All The Necessary Skills
All The Necessary Skills

It is true that I questioned to a reasonable degree what I was doing heading North at the crack of dawn, from my house in the Surrey Hills, home of some truly fantastic trails. After a month of 60+ hour weeks, averaging 5 hours sleep a night, the prospect of the two and a half hour drive ahead of me...

Mountain Bike Technique - Camber
Mountain Bike Technique - Camber

Save the anger and conquer the camber Welcome back folks and thank you for joining us in the continuation of our skills and technique features, we now move on from the basic core skills covered in the previous issues, and we start to ramp it up with trail technicality as we look at progressing those core skills and techniques. As...

Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Contact Points

In this edition, we are getting all touchy-feely (in an appropriate manner) as we look at contact patches. No matter what we do on the bike from simply rolling along the road to ram-raiding a boulder field we have just a small amount of surface area in contact with the bike and the terrain. We are of course talking about...

Mountain Bike Technique - Cornering - Round The Bend
Mountain Bike Technique - Cornering - Round The Bend
Cornering - Round The Bend

Curvaceous, bodacious Have you a craving for carving cool curves and cruising through trails with uninterrupted flow? Well if so stay tuned and read on as we embark on a crusade of cornering bliss with this edition of our core technique. Demanding trails are filled with technical features, of which, some of the most innocuous can cause the most harm...

Mountain Bike Technique - Crank it Up - Dial in that fancy footwork
Mountain Bike Technique - Crank it Up - Dial in that fancy footwork
Crank it Up - Dial in that fancy footwork

In the last issue we looked at our contact patches on the bike and gave you some insight into the micro techniques used to get that bike just where you want, and that got me thinking, specifically about crank position, crank timing, and just how important they are for all areas of skills and techniques. Having observed many things related...

Mountain Bike Technique - Drop and Roll
Mountain Bike Technique - Drop and Roll
Drop and Roll

Welcome to another instalment of our core skills and techniques feature, and as we enter autumn here in the UK it's time to tackle the subject of drop-offs. Dropping and jumping are two areas where the penalty for failure can be life-changing. When it goes wrong the classic outcome is an OTB (over the bars), here the typical reaction is...

Mountain Bike Technique - Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes
Mountain Bike Technique - Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes
Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes

When it comes to improvement, every rider has their individual needs; there are some issues that that are common to many riders, whether they are new to the sport or long time veterans. The good news is that these issues are as easy to fix, as they are common. Even those of us who feel confident in all but the...

Mountain Bike Technique - Get a Grip
Mountain Bike Technique - Get a Grip
Get a Grip

If like the ageing rocker Mick Jagger you ‘can’t get no off-road traction’ this issue’s article is for you. As is de rigeuer with mastering all trail conditions, your kit will play its part but there are a host of other physical and indeed psychological factors that will contribute in being able to ride where others slide, and find grip...

Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Jumping Fundamentals

Of all the techniques that make up the rich tapestry of riding, jumping is perhaps the technique that riders most often identify as an area where they could do with some help. Mountain biking continually evolves and where back in the day your average trail ride might include the odd small jump here and there which, with little effort, could...

Mountain Bike Technique - Jumps
Mountain Bike Technique - Jumps

Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin... Welcome and welcome back fellow readers for yet another Hip Hop (hopefully not Hip Op) inspired skills session. Join us in avoiding the ‘house of pain’ as we Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump)... Yep, you guessed correctly, it’s a jump fest as we spring into summer, so let’s get to...

Mountain Bike Technique - Linking Skill to Link Features
Mountain Bike Technique - Linking Skill to Link Features
Linking Skill to Link Features

Never Break The Chain Welcome, and welcome back to the regulars and thank you for joining us for another instalment of the Progression Sessions. This issue we delve into the subject of linking, that is both linking the features in the trail and looking at how we connect our core skills and technique to help keep speed and generate that...

Mountain Bike Technique - Lost in Translation
Mountain Bike Technique - Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation

Whether you are taking advice from a better rider, a friend, an instructor or coach (qualified or not), an article or a book there is a danger that the written or spoken word can be misinterpreted, misapplied or was simply bad advice from the start. In an attempt to keep things simple, sound advice can often be reduced to soundbites....

Mountain Bike Technique - Manual Labour
Mountain Bike Technique - Manual Labour
Manual Labour

Lifting Without Shifting Manuals and ‘proper’ manual bunny hops are closely knit companions in your skill arsenal, alongside dropping and jumping they are often considered as the ‘holy grail’ skills. When we look at them performed effortlessly by the likes of Danny (that guy that hops around Edinburgh and Glasgow) MacAskill and other notable mountain bike celebrities it can become...

Mountain Bike Technique - Nothing New Never Normal
Mountain Bike Technique - Nothing New Never Normal
Nothing New Never Normal

So we are back! And boy have we missed sharing our secrets of the trade with you. For obvious reasons we took a wee break but now as the globe gets a grip with the ‘whack a mole’ pain in the butt that is COVID we have rounded up the troops and got the show back on the road. So...

Mountain Bike Technique - Pumping
Mountain Bike Technique - Pumping

Intoduction If you find you are being left behind while others are pulling away from you on the trail, you seem to be pedalling way more than others that are seemingly carrying speed with little effort, or find that you are bobbling around at the mercy of the trail surface, the chances are you have forgotten your pump... or never...

Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Re Vision

In every article we have written, covering all manner of riding scenarios and areas of skills development, we’ve referred to the core physical skill of looking. Again and again we have highlighted its importance in achieving improved riding performance. The art of 'looking' is one of the easiest for riders to identify and know how to address, but mastering it...

Mountain Bike Technique - Riding Ruts
Mountain Bike Technique - Riding Ruts
Riding Ruts

Love or hate them, ruts and deep-scoured sections of the trail are something that we are likely to encounter at some point in our mountain bike experience. If you ride fall-line wild trails on soft ground or lap race courses in the wet then that narrow groove cut in the dirt will be a familiar nemesis that can end a...

Mountain Bike Technique - Short Sharp And Steep
Mountain Bike Technique - Short Sharp And Steep
Short Sharp And Steep

What goes up must ultimately come down. Long flowing descents are for many the highlight of their ride. Mother nature and trail designers alike do not always have the faint hearted in mind and when sections become suddenly very much steeper it is easy for fun to give way to fear, to have your flow broken as your mojo fades...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Speed Control

Before you think ‘Oh, I am OK with my braking technique’ and flick on to the next article, STOP. Speed control is not simply a matter of the ability to apply the brakes and stay on the bike (although this admittedly is an essential technique). The physical element of speed control is a far broader topic than that. As with...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 1 - Shifting Gears
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 1 - Shifting Gears
Speed Control Part 1 - Shifting Gears

Finding flow on a trail or maintaining a rhythm is down to a combination of things, speed control plays a major factor in descents, in climbs and on all the bits in between. This time we look at shifting and the impact of cadence on your ride. Often overlooked in skills instruction, and something we should never let slip, is...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 2 - Braking
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 2 - Braking
Speed Control Part 2 - Braking

The trick with all technique and skills is to start slow, low and small and build up; repetition is everything and habits you have in slow speed situations are amplified as speed, gradient and scale of terrain increase. Welcome to another instalment of Finding Your Flow, in this three part series we shift away (couldn’t resist a terrible pun) from...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 3 - To Haul Or To Stall
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 3 - To Haul Or To Stall
Speed Control Part 3 - To Haul Or To Stall

From shifting to slowing we now continue to roll through our trail craft technique and delve into the world of all that will stall. Welcome folks to another in’stall’ment of finding your flow, we’ve been getting down with some basics in the previous editions, and we continue the theme of maintaining speed by looking at trail elements that want to...

Mountain Bike Technique - Stall
Mountain Bike Technique - Stall

This issue you we will look at the “Stall” - what it is, what can cause it, and how to deal with it. Verb: Stop or cause to stop making progress Synonyms: obstruct, impede, interfere with, hinder, hamper, block, interrupt, hold up, hold back, frustrate, thwart, inhibit, sabotage, encumber, restrain, slow, slow down… There are many ways to describe it...

Mountain Bike Technique - The Bunny Hop
Mountain Bike Technique - The Bunny Hop
The Bunny Hop

I Said A Hip Hop Hippie to the hippie, The hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop, a rock it out Now, what you hear is not a test I'm rappin' to the beat... and for those of you not familiar with the hit track “Rappers Delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang I’ll crack on with this editions skill,...

Mountain Bike Technique - Up and Overs
Mountain Bike Technique - Up and Overs
Up and Overs

We all love the flowing feel of gliding down trails, effortlessly zipping along, experiencing Mother Nature at high speed. 'Flow' is not a given and you'll often hear riders praising a trails flow or bemoaning its lack of it. The reality is that, although 'flow' can be engineered into a trail - with swooping smooth transitions and bermed corners all...

Mountain Bike Technique - Wheelie Wicked
Mountain Bike Technique - Wheelie Wicked
Wheelie Wicked

Eliminate And Exaggerate This issue is the start of a mini-series where we build on our technique and take a look at some core skills. We kick off with one of the most envied and sought-after skills; the wheelie. This one ticks the box for teens in the high street and estates of the UK as well as the big...

Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 1
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 1
Winter Skills - Part 1

Fancy a line? The works Christmas do is on the horizon (or a distant fuzzy memory for some) and the New Year beckons. The winter solstice sees us heading back to the light in this part of the world but winters firm grip means we will have to endure mud, slop, snow, ice and varying combinations of all the above....



Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Speed Control

Before you think ‘Oh, I am OK with my braking technique’ and flick on to the next article, STOP. Speed control is not simply a matter of the ability to apply the brakes and stay on the bike (although this admittedly is an essential technique). The physical element of speed control is a far broader topic than that. As with...

Mountain Bike Technique - The Art of Going Slow to Go Fast
Mountain Bike Technique - The Art of Going Slow to Go Fast
The Art of Going Slow to Go Fast

IMB would like to give a warm welcome to our new Skills and Technique guru Mr Clive Forth. We’d also like to say a huge thanks to Richard Kelly who has been in that role since Issue 2! Richard is now really busy with his B1KE business, which is growing very quickly, sadly for us he’s not going to be...

Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Contact Points

In this edition, we are getting all touchy-feely (in an appropriate manner) as we look at contact patches. No matter what we do on the bike from simply rolling along the road to ram-raiding a boulder field we have just a small amount of surface area in contact with the bike and the terrain. We are of course talking about...

Mountain Bike Technique - Travel Adjustments
Mountain Bike Technique - Travel Adjustments
Travel Adjustments

MTB tourism has boomed in the last 10 years and more and more riders are using annual leave to take their passion to new heights and explore the world from behind a riser bar. Whether travelling to a well established, well ridden, holiday hotspot or trailblazing in regions less well known, you will want to get the most from your...

Mountain Bike Technique - Carving Corners
Mountain Bike Technique - Carving Corners
Carving Corners

Having looked at the fundamentals of cornering in an earlier issue it is time to add some meat to the bones and offer up some additional advice that will take you from 'getting by' to cooking on gas. There are 5 key ingredients in our recipe for success. Those ingredients don't change from corner to corner although the ratio in...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 2 - Braking
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control Part 2 - Braking
Speed Control Part 2 - Braking

The trick with all technique and skills is to start slow, low and small and build up; repetition is everything and habits you have in slow speed situations are amplified as speed, gradient and scale of terrain increase. Welcome to another instalment of Finding Your Flow, in this three part series we shift away (couldn’t resist a terrible pun) from...
