At A Glance
Spank Industries are a company who obviously think outside the box a little. If we all get to choose between different sizes of bikes or clothing, why shouldn’t we have a variety of pedal sizes to choose from? Using a good level of logic they have introduced the new Spank SPOON pedals, which come in three different widths: 90, 100, or 110mm. Now all of us keen flat pedal enthusiasts with varying sizes of feet can chose our platform size accordingly.
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I’m proud to admit that I have the biggest feet in the IMB office, and that’s why the Spank SPOON 110 pedals landed on my desk. If you have little dinky feet then the 90 is for you, and if you slot into the ‘normal’ category then you will want the 100. The ‘SPOON’ line of products Spank Industries manufacture is their freeride and downhill niche, so we know that these pedals mean business beyond gentle jaunts in the countryside.
On The Trail
The SPOON 110 is designed to cater for riders with size Euro 45 and up. The extra wide pin pattern is supposed to spread the load around the perimeter of large sized shoes, offering more predictable grip and more support over traditional size flat pedals. At first I didn’t get it, but once I had spent a week in the Alps using them and then went back to a more standard pedal I realised what the fuss was all about.
The 110mm wide platforms were the perfect size for my lumpy Five Ten Impact riding shoes, and when my foot was where it wanted to be there was very little shoe overhanging the pedal which not only gives more support, but also more protection to any unforeseen knocks from tree stumps or flying stones. Thanks to the concave profile of the pedal (16mm front and back and 12mm in the centre), along with the big platform and well spread-out pins (ten on each side) even when rattling through the rough stuff at speed my feet felt totally planted. The down side to them being wider and deeper than your average flat pedal is that they are more prone to striking the ground, something which you have to adapt to if you’re going to use them, even though this is helped a little thanks to the aesthetically pleasing chamfering on both the leading and side edges.
The replaceable pins are screwed in from the backside of the body, which keeps the hex head from being mashed out of shape on the trail, a nice touch. After loads of use they still spin nicely on the Scandium enriched chromoly axle, the bearings and bushings have stood up to a fair hammering over the summer months and even the pins are standing upright although they are a little rounded on the outer reaches. I actually found that they spin a little too easy on the axle, causing them to snap into place before you’ve got your foot in the right position which can sometimes make relocating a pedal tricky.
Anyone with a bit of mechanical sense can whip these apart, which you may need to do to replace the easily accessible sealed cartridge bearing positioned on the pedals outboard position once it wears out. That said, by the time that happens, you’ll probably want to treat yourself to a new pair given how well they are lasting.
A great looking and durable set of pedals which provide excellent grip and an ideal platform for those with large feet. At 425 grams they are impressively light for such a large and robust platform, a testament to the engineering prowess of Spank Industries. Retailing at £69.99 (in the UK) you sure get a lot of pedal (literally) for your money.

By Charley Oldrid
Charley Oldrid is a man who spends a lot of time in the saddle. A highly experienced Mountain Bike Guide, having led trips all over world riding the finest trails he can find. His personal riding style can only be described as wild, getting sideways isn't an option on a ride with Charley, it's mandatory. If anyone can find the limit of a test bike, it's him.