News Tagged: 'X-Fusion'

5 years ago

Mr Cotic Bikes himself, Cy Turner, talks us through the latest sled to come out of the Sheffield based company's workshop - the Cotic Flare....

6 years ago

Alpine Style The Alpine Trail was one of my favourite bikes from 2018. combining some great geometry, cool parts and a friendly price tag to...

6 years ago

The dropper post has been with us now for enough years that we struggle to see far enough back to a time when stopping to...

6 years ago

Don't forget to check out the new Cotic RocketMAX that launched yesterday! This long-travel 29er is ready for lift off!

7 years ago

If you thought that 26 inch wheels had had their day then think again! Cotic, the British manufacturer of amazing steel bikes, have confirmed another...

7 years ago

Steel, it's still real! For some years now, Cotic has been continually testing and refining their big wheeled prototypes. Changes to angles, stem lengths and...

7 years ago

Van rolling, dirt sliding, groove riding, loam spraying madness from George and Henry Kerr! We thought we'd seen everything there was to see in MTB...

8 years ago

Never let it be said that longer isn't better, though it's obviously what you do with it that counts. And what can you do with...

8 years ago

This is what it must feel like to have all of the best bits of your riding memories packed in to one two-minute edit! The...
