News Tagged: 'Verbier Bike Park'

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6 years ago

Our second day here at Verbier e-bike festival was a more relaxed one as we soaked up the local gastronomy and culture on the rando...

6 years ago

The Verbier E-Bike Festival, featuring many of the leading ebike brands from across the world were all here in attendance and eager to show off...

6 years ago

So what's taking place in Verbier we hear you ask? Well, you have everything from the latest e-bikes to demo, to incredible food as well...

6 years ago

For this weeks #MondayMotivation, we join British freestyle rider Matt Jones as he samples some incredible looking alpine trails out in Verbier, Switzerland. If this...

10 years ago

We've enjoyed the South Crew Media's road trip and now it's coming to an end, enjoy it as they shred Verbier. Follow the South Crew...

13 years ago

Pro downhiller, and one of Britains’ most successful and popular mountain biking figures, Tracy Moseley, has joined forces with Verbier’s original mountain bike holiday company...