News Tagged: 'USA'

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10 years ago

Rain stops play at the Rampage! With the second round of qualifiers underway, the weather turned, forcing riders to wait out the storm and reschedule...

10 years ago

Go BIG, or go home! You know when Lacondeguy and Agassiz join up, that gnarly doesn't even begin to explain it. They've gone a little...

10 years ago

You've got to crack some eggs to make an omelette! With qualifying going off today, it's time to get those lines dialled! Bring on the...

10 years ago

Fancy going airless? Britek Tires from Colorado, USA, claim to have reinvented the wheel! Their new Energy Return Wheel is apparently the most efficient bicycle...

10 years ago

The Rampage gets ever closer, but with a blank canvas how do the riders work out their lines? How do they work out maximum stockage,...

10 years ago

You've seen the track preview, now jump onboard for the race action. It may not look super technical, but at 70KPH on damp grass, it...

10 years ago

Day one of the 2014 Red Bull Rampage is here. The virgin soil of the new course means riders are rapidly hunting for the gnarliest...

10 years ago

Why have 4X when you can have 10X! Follow Sik Mik and CousCous down the Pinnacle Bike Championship course at Waterville Valley, NH, USA. The...
