News Tagged: 'Tomas Slavik'

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10 years ago

Check out shredders Tomáš Slavík and Filip Polc in this in-depth and enlightening documentary as they head to South America for the first two stops of...

10 years ago

Here is a quick taster of more great stuff to come from Filip Polc and Tomas Slavik as they tour South America to ride in...

10 years ago

This split screen action may seem like it has more in common with a PlayStation game than reality, but it's real, it's the latest footage...

10 years ago

Filip Polc is as creative behind the editing suite as he is on the bike! check out the king of Urban downhill's latest edit, as...

10 years ago

We've seen the winning run from Chile, now lets check out the full highlights package, as the riders prepare for the upcoming Urban DH Race...

10 years ago

Who pictures their commute like this? Tomas Slavik takes the win in this urban DH race in Chile, it's not as extreme as Taxco, but...

11 years ago

Two years in the making, FullFace Productions has released their new film. Check out this teaser of a full-on Enduro segment with Tomas Slavik and Johannes...

11 years ago

Next time your better half asks you to go shopping, just imagine what it could be like... Tomas Slavik won the Arkády Downmall Race in...

11 years ago

Tomáš Slavík and Johannes Fischbach enjoyriding together in the Czech-German border region for the Enduro section in the upcoming movie Signatures. After two years, these...