News Tagged: 'Random Fridays'

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9 years ago

In memory of Flying Frenchy, Tancrède Melet, we're dedicating this week's #RandomFridays to one of the finest of his many outrageous stunts. This incredible catapult...

9 years ago

As terrible as it is to watch someone having a potentially fatal accident it's great to know that Angel Collinson is still alive and well...

9 years ago

Is this the most air anyone's ever got on a bike ever? They don't mess about in Queenstown, NZ when it comes to doing crazy...

9 years ago

Random Fridays: Oh flip, this is nuuuts! And to think that some people say downhill mountain biking is crazy - this is one way to...

9 years ago

Random Fridays: Someone needs to tell Candide Thovex that you can't ski in autumn! It's just not possible, no way... Wait for the ending on this...

9 years ago

Every Friday we like to go and explore what other awesome things are out there as well as bikes. This week JetPack Aviation have literally...

9 years ago

It's Friday the 13th so how about this for a horror show! Pro Skier Ian McIntosh falls almost a mile down the side of a...
