News Tagged: 'Random Fridays'

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9 years ago

Mega random! Not sure what we just watched here - this guy is full on CRAY-ZEEE! Take a pinch of Megavalanche madness, add in one...

9 years ago

It's the end of the week and your head probably feels like it's full of noodles and parrots, so what better way to round off...

9 years ago

Sweaty palms and brown trousers time as #RandomFridays takes a look at the art of Free Soloing, otherwise known as climbing sheer cliff faces without...

9 years ago

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a freakin' hover bike! Colin Furze is a nutter on a mission to 'unlearn' what...

9 years ago

#RandomFridays rarely fails to deliver some full-on weirdness from the realms of adventure sports. This week we get to learn the difference between a Smart...

9 years ago

Why wouldn't you want to drop in through a cave roof and plunge several metres into darkness? If this one has you intrigued then maybe...

9 years ago

Because? If you weren't already feeling challenged by e-bikes how about this converted push-bike-motor-driven-devil thing? Random Fridays takes a step further into crazy land but...

9 years ago

Bending bike frames around trees isn't normally the way to do things, that is unless you're a custom framebuilder with an invite to the Hack...

9 years ago

This guy thought it was a good idea to take air time to the extremes and go Parabiking with his jump bike! Get a load...
