News Tagged: 'Pole Bicycles'

2 years ago

When Pole CEO Leo Kokkonen sat down in May 2019, he had a challenge that needed to be solved. The brand wanted to bring an...

2 years ago

Finnish bike manufacturer Pole Bicycles has just opened their brand new production facility. In times like these that is not an easy thing to pull...

4 years ago

It's no secret that over the past few years at Pole Bicycles they have seen their share of ups and downs, however that is all...

4 years ago

Five years ago, Pole Bicycles released the acclaimed Evolink 140. A bike well known for taking the cycle industry by surprise. Born out of frustration...

7 years ago

How was your 2017? These guys are BC veterans and still manage to get it wrong - with a few gnarly, slippery rock drop-offs of...

8 years ago

What do you think to Peter Taylor's new bike, the Pole Evolink 140 29er? It's a folding (yes, you read that right) trail/enduro bike from...
