News Tagged: 'PMBA Enduro'
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7 years ago
Sublime riding from Sublime Rides! You know what they say, smooth is fast. Luckily for you, Nigel Pilling takes smooth to a whole new level....
7 years ago
Are you tough enough? Last weekend's Hope PMBA Enduro was a big one - a private estate with 100% off piste trails held over 2...
7 years ago
Get your diaries out boys and girls 'cos it's PMBA date time! 2018 will be the 4th year of the PMBA Enduro series, and we...
8 years ago
The excellent grass roots #PMBA Enduro kicked off over the weekend with Round 4 at GNAR Bike Park in Cumbria, UK. The 16 stages on...
8 years ago
Greasy roots and loamy chutes greeted the 300 riders who made the trip to Kirroughtree in Scotland for the 3rd round of the Hope/PMBA enduro...
8 years ago
The PMBA Enduro series are based in the North of England and run a consistently busy race. At the end of April they are hosting...
8 years ago
To keep you entertained through the winter we have 2 special events, based on the successful event back in January. Our Day/Night format maximises the...
8 years ago
Putting the 'fun' into enduro the Hope PMBA series is back for 2017 with a 'ride it with your mates' format and a shed load...
9 years ago
Another treat of a weekend organised by the PMBA guys! Fresh cut, loamy tracks putting together some well established trail centre lines over a tough...