News Tagged: 'Megavalanche'
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11 years ago
Vallnord, Andora hosted the annual Maxiavalanche with over 500 riders pinning it from the 2500 meter Cubil peak! Podiums went to Damien Oton (Devinci All...
12 years ago
Stick with the start line wait, cause the pile-up in this had us in tears. From a shocking (though very amusing) start the guy then...
12 years ago
The Mojo Orange team tackle the Mega Avalanche, and come out the other side reasonably unscathed! At 15 minutes you might want to grab a...
12 years ago
Last July Italian video maker Gianluca Ricceri followed Jérome Clementz (2010 Megavalanche winner) and Rémy Absalon (2011 Megavalanche winner) during the whole week that eventually...
12 years ago
Last winter I was on the phone with Garett Buehler and we were talking about adventures on a bike to be had. I told him...