News Tagged: 'Megavalanche'

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7 years ago

One of the very best! Sit down, strap in and pour a brew - it's another #WipeoutWednesdays compilation of face-planting, leg-breaking, bike-destroying MTB crashes to make...

8 years ago

Sorry for the language! If you've never seen a Mega qualifying run then drop everything and get this on. Nukeproof's Kelan Grant wins his qualifying...

8 years ago

When that famous Euro-mental music explodes from the speakers atop Pic Blanc at a breath-taking 3,300m, you know you're in for one hell of a...

8 years ago

Help! I'm trapped in Cedric Gracia's head. Probably not a place you want to spend too long, but definitely an entertaining brain to be inside...

8 years ago

Very nearly a #wipeoutwednesdays for Cedric Gracia at the Megavalanche on the La Réunion island. Dropped chains, punctures and a truck that tries to take...

9 years ago

How many wipeouts can you count? When it's just not going right for you then it's time to label your run as a 'Fail' compilation...

9 years ago

Mega random! Not sure what we just watched here - this guy is full on CRAY-ZEEE! Take a pinch of Megavalanche madness, add in one...

9 years ago

The insanity at the Megavalanche was up at its usual high level for 2016, with racers attempting the world's longest downhill race in primo conditions....

10 years ago

Follow Polygon UR rider, Jamie Nicoll through crashes, down treacherous terrain, on mud, snow and ice at the 2015 Megavalanche, what a wild ride!
