News Tagged: 'Mateo Verdier'

3 days ago

/kəˈmjuːnɪti/ noun 1. A group of individuals who share a common interest, background or purpose that gives them a sense of cohesion. Riding by Vincent...

2 weeks ago

1 month ago

Bike park season is back, baby! And what better way to spend our time when we're not riding than to watch others kill it in...

3 years ago

Daycations and patiently waiting for Châtels Bike Park’s opening day on June the 11th 2021! This Sundays in Châtel episode dives into a day in...

3 years ago

This 'Sundays in Châtel' episode takes you intto the white room... Forget powder shots from skiing - this episode is all about bike shots! Antoine...
