News Tagged: 'Kabuto'

9 years ago

Proof that you can still get out in the rain and shred it. Brut is a study in silence, raindrops and skill as Eliott Lapôtre shows...

9 years ago

There is something majestic about the music of the trails, listen to the click, clack and whirr of the hubs as Eliott Lapôtre hammers down...

10 years ago

Check out shredders Tomáš Slavík and Filip Polc in this in-depth and enlightening documentary as they head to South America for the first two stops of...

10 years ago

Here is a quick taster of more great stuff to come from Filip Polc and Tomas Slavik as they tour South America to ride in...

11 years ago

Check out Filip Polc's rad camera angles and less than rad crash onto his head at the Valparaiso Urban DH race... We're glad he's OK,...
