News Tagged: 'Jeff Kendall-Weed'

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8 years ago

You know that speeder scene from Star Wars: Return of The Jedi? Yeah, well this is like that, but with wheelies! Jeff Kendall-Weed gets all...

8 years ago

What do you do when all of your plans for a wicked weekend's riding go out the window with the weather? Go somewhere new, of...

8 years ago

One of those few riders that can't be ignored, Jeff Kendall-Weed is one of the most entertaining and skilful riders to watch ride a bike....

9 years ago

You were expecting a road bike video right? Wrong! Watch Jeff Kendal-Weed stick it to the man as he takes revenge after losing out on...

10 years ago

Take a ride with Jeff Kendall-Weed as he explores the Pacific Northwest for three days, riding Palisades (Greenwater), Xanadu (Leavenworth) and Duthie Bike Park (Issaquah)....

10 years ago

The guys at Kali have got a new lid coming out, the Maya. Known for doing things a little differently with cone shaped EPS foam,...

10 years ago

The guys at Kitsbow have just fired over their latest edit of Jeff Kendall-Weed showing the new Ibis Mojo HD3 who's boss! If you are...
