News Tagged: 'Jeff Kendall-Weed'

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4 years ago

Take to the trails of Sedona with Nate Hills and Jeff Kendall-Weed: I filmed this last week as we both ended up in Sedona, Arizona...

4 years ago

Some days, for no apparent reason sometimes things just seem to feel, well, just 'right' when out on the bike. Today was one of those...

4 years ago

Jeff Kendall-Weed takes us on what could be his favourite trail to ride on a mountain bike: Mountain biking has always been about long pedals...

4 years ago

I’m sure you’re all tired of hearing about how I wrecked myself, but hey, it’s my reality and it’s framed just about every ride I’ve...

5 years ago

Hardtail or full suspension? Jeff Kendall-Weed compares them. Let us know what you think.

5 years ago

Jeff Kendal-Weed takes through Cougar Ridge, Bellingham. The trail has been incorporated into the sanctioned, public trail network and it's lost a lot of its...

5 years ago

Jeff Kendall-Weed shares his thoughts on the Stylus. A slack, 65° head angle with this short 530mm axle to crown, 130mm travel Trust Message fork....

5 years ago

The Chromag Stylus is an all-mountain, aggressive hardtail mountain bike, and in the last episode of the vlog, Jeff Kendall-Weed went through the parts that...

5 years ago

Jeff Kendall Weed and Jorge De Avila team up on this! Nose wheelies have their place as a general skill to have for trail riding,...
