News Tagged: 'Filip Polc'

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11 years ago

There is nothing new about Urban DH, but as more and more races crop up it was only a matter of time until someone turned...

11 years ago

Complete with resplendent voice over man, check out this trailer for an upcoming movie called Signatures, it looks rather good and features riders from all...

11 years ago

Filip Polc is somewhat a master of the Urban DH scene, he recently won the Taxco event in Mexico and here he shows you how...

12 years ago

Urban DH is getting bigger and bigger, the Bratislava event had a huge following, both from sponsors and riders, expect to see an urban world...

12 years ago

Drift team rider Filip Polc came first place at Descida das Escadas de Santos and got this great footage on the Drift HD Ghost on...

12 years ago

Urban DH has been gaining a bit of momentum over the last few years, but now it has stepped up a gear, it has gone...
