News Tagged: 'Filip Polc'

8 years ago

How close to crashing into a wall can you get? Mad bonkers riding from Rio on the streets of Santa Marta favela with Filip Polc...

8 years ago

Whaaaaaaaaat? Check out this mad-as-a-badger urban DH run from Filip Polc! Rammed tight with seriously sharp turns, massive gaps and a fear-inducing level of technicality,...

10 years ago

Check out shredders Tomáš Slavík and Filip Polc in this in-depth and enlightening documentary as they head to South America for the first two stops of...

10 years ago

Here is a quick taster of more great stuff to come from Filip Polc and Tomas Slavik as they tour South America to ride in...

10 years ago

Filip Polc is as creative behind the editing suite as he is on the bike! check out the king of Urban downhill's latest edit, as...

10 years ago

We've seen the winning run from Chile, now lets check out the full highlights package, as the riders prepare for the upcoming Urban DH Race...

10 years ago

With little over a month to go until rd1 of the 2015 City Downhill Tour, we can't wait. Enjoy this teaser video and start counting...

10 years ago

The chance to ride with your heroes doesn't come around that often, but thanks to Red Bull, the riders from Baku, Azerbaijan, had just that...

10 years ago

Taxco may have been and gone now, but it's always worth waiting for a Filip Polc edit! Catch all the action in this full event...
