News Tagged: 'Fabio Wibmer'
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7 years ago
Apparently the first time something has gone wrong filming for Sick! A few shots not for the squeamish! Get well soon elias. Elias diclocated his...
7 years ago
Guaranteed madness from cheeky trickster ace, Fabio Wibmer trying out a no-handed approach to trials and tricks. If you're looking to improve on your bike...
7 years ago
Just wow! Steep much at 3:40? Who hasn't wanted to do a heli uplift to one of the world's greatest mountain ranges? Austrian trials lunatic,...
8 years ago
Yikes! No-hands suicide step downs and crazy big jumps - just more of what you expect from the mad-as-a-sack-of-badgers Fabio Wibmer. This is a Game...
8 years ago
It's good to see some of the work, planning and apprehension that goes into the films we watch on a daily basis. Fabio is most...
8 years ago
Fabio Wibmer has most definitely nailed it again. Big, meets tech with a good'ol pinch of humour thrown in for good measure! Join me on a...
8 years ago
Showboating at its highest level. MacAskill, Shaw and Wibmer providing more entertainment than should be possible from four containers and an exercise ball. Join in...
8 years ago
Urban free ride gets a new lease of life! High speed, manic riding from Fabio Wibmer through the streets of Salzburg. Pedestrians watch out, this...
8 years ago
Turns out that the F word is the same in Austria! Watch out for the swearing and check out the awesome riding as Fabio Wibmer...