News Tagged: 'Fabien Barel'
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12 years ago
For the first time, the VTT Rando 04 has organised an enduro race in the awesome area of Digne, France. Les Terras Noires or The...
12 years ago
A pretty great round up from Bluegrass, covering their last year of racing, the edit features good use of black and white, and also, shock horror some...
12 years ago
“Many great things will not last forever After 5 great years of strong collaboration, Mondraker and Fabien Barel are going separate ways. This relationship has...
12 years ago
A mountain that is 20kms away can look as smooth as a billiard table... So what looked like it should have been a short stroll...
12 years ago
The Mojo crew have taken Mark Weir and Fabien Barel to Morocco to explore the boundaries of the ‘Mojo Trail Diary’ philosophy. We have always...
12 years ago
Planes, trains and automobiles! In sha’Allah The Mojo Trail Diaries were intended to show people how capable the modern trail bike has become - to...
12 years ago
It's that time of year again, time for the Fourth Mavic Trans-Provence! This year for the first time we are proud to have as our...
13 years ago
In the 4th episode of Fabien Barel presents, Brook MacDonald gets a taste of the DH and all mountain riding offered in Val d'Isere. Maybe...
13 years ago
Everybody knows that Andreu Lacondeguy is a legend on the dirt jumps. But what makes a guy like this wake up every morning and want...