News Tagged: 'Fabien Barel'

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9 years ago

It looks like they had a whole heap of fun this year. Take a look back on the riders and winners of the 2015 Enduro...

9 years ago

Seriously, watch this if you want to ride Enduro like a pro. Relive the spills and thrills of the 2015 Enduro World Series with Specialized...

9 years ago

Ever wondered what it's like to be a pro mountain biker? Follow GMBN as they speak to four of the sport's biggest talents about stress,...

9 years ago

One minute of Fabien Barel​ is nothing compared to the 20 years he gave to mountain biking. Here, Urge share this minute as a thanks...

10 years ago

Check out the Canyon Factory Enduro team video from round three of the Enduro World Series. After some bad luck in Ireland the team came...

10 years ago

Catch up with the Canyon Factory Enduro Team as they look forward to round 3 of the Enduro World Series in Scotland. After some bad...

10 years ago

What makes French mountain bikers so fast? Is it the air? The mountains? The cuisine? Is it the fact that there are about 1,000 varieties...

10 years ago

If after watching this you don't wish you were in that train, then there's something wrong with you! The new season of Fabien Barel Presents,...

10 years ago

Check out the man of the moment, Mike Jones, the recently operated on, Sam Hill, and the legendary Fabien Barel. The season looks promising for...
