News Tagged: 'Evil Bikes'

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8 years ago

If you missed the brilliant Taxco urban downhill races this year, then for the love of all that is good in the world, don't miss...

8 years ago

Can you hear that? It sounds like The Calling. Whatever your calling in life, Evil knows what their's is all about, and that's making bikes...

8 years ago

Whaaaaaaaaat? Check out this mad-as-a-badger urban DH run from Filip Polc! Rammed tight with seriously sharp turns, massive gaps and a fear-inducing level of technicality,...

8 years ago

Fresh from the shores of the UK and dripping in awesome is an edit from the top of the world, where mates get together to...

9 years ago

Sublime singletrack, stunning scenery, good mates and proper mountains - this is what mountain biking is all about! Follow William Cadham and friends along this stunning...

9 years ago

It's Wednesday, there's been a few wipeouts - it's Wipeout Wednesday! Perhaps you're the one who tries the gnarliest jump in front of your friends...

9 years ago

As Ned Stark would say, winter is coming! But that doesn't mean you need to stop riding your bike, with the right gear and the...

10 years ago

Filip Polc is as creative behind the editing suite as he is on the bike! check out the king of Urban downhill's latest edit, as...

10 years ago

With little over a month to go until rd1 of the 2015 City Downhill Tour, we can't wait. Enjoy this teaser video and start counting...
