News Tagged: 'Ethen Godfrey-Roberts'

11 years ago

Monu-mental! Gavin Godfrey and Ethen Godfrey-Roberts land triple back flips on mountain bikes! Not a bad way for Nitro Circus to kick off a new...

11 years ago

From Tahoe to Virgin, follow Antoine Bizet on part 2 of his trip through the US. Featuring Brandon Schmidt and Ethen Godfrey-Roberts from Nitro Circus, watch Antoine...

11 years ago

After his famous scorpion double backflip at Nitro Circus, Ethen turned pro MTB’er. Thanks to support from Fox, he takes it to Virgin's natural terrain...

11 years ago

This has been out for a couple of days now, and while it is in a very staged environment, you have to be pretty amazed...
