News Tagged: 'Eliott Lapotre'

7 months ago

Look out below 🗣️ Eliott Lapotre went from tree house to trail in record time, earning himself $1,000 as a GoPro Subscriber. Share with #GoPro...

6 years ago

Not to be confused with the lengthy prose by John Milton, this is Lost Paradise by Edgar Hans and Elliot Lapotre, an experiment in never...

9 years ago

Get your daily quick hit of raw, shreddin' stuff in one easy to swallow edit as Guido Tschugg, Benoit Coulanges & Eliott Lapotre ‪get sideways...

9 years ago

Stunning scenes from Eliott Lapotre as he rides the dusty woodland trails of Coast Gravity Park in the summer of 2015. This was shot shortly...

10 years ago

Anthony Rocci and Eliott Lapotre teamed up with filmmaker, Thibault Menu for the 2015 Chatel Bike Festival and the team walked away with a prize...

10 years ago

Eliott Lapotre has the sweetest set up so close to home, jumps, pump track and amazing scenery, he hits the pump track before sun down, what...

12 years ago

I might not be able to understand a word Jerome Clementz is saying in this film, but he's only talking for about 20 seconds, the...
