News Tagged: 'Continental'

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6 years ago

Finally finished! After one year of work and many tests and optimization we are very proud to present our new Enduro Bike named G1. The...

6 years ago

He didn't want that bike anyway! Ever launched yourself down a tricky bit of trail or over-committed to a feature, only to find out too...

6 years ago

Can a bargain bike (or, in this case, a free one) be as good as a modern MTB? Chances are you've already made up your...

6 years ago

Riding backwards down steps and skatepark ramps isn't usually a good idea but human crash test dummy and stoke factory Sam Pilgrim is all over...

6 years ago

Get a load of these amazing shots from Keith Valentine, a.k.a. Phunkt - a man to whom camera wizardry and an eye for a shot...

6 years ago

Check out these insane moves that Danny and his team are pulling off! How do they do it?! Nailing stunts that most of us would...

6 years ago

Caution! This video will leave you with a serious urge to shred! Check out what the Dudes have been getting up to over in the...

7 years ago

Is everyone in Whistler right now or what? To be fair, if you were going to ride anywhere it might as well be the most...

7 years ago

Don't try this at home! What are the sickest tracks on Earth? According to Fabio Wibmer, backflips! So follow him through the woods of Canada...
