News Tagged: 'Claudio Caluori'

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8 years ago

The lines at Red Bull Rampage this year are properly off the scale and to wind it up for the big event you have to...

9 years ago

When Claudi met Stevie it all went down - downhill, down in the dirt, and a few beers were downed too! A great laugh of...

9 years ago

It was an emotional and entertaining weekend up in Fort William, Scotland at the weekend as the mountain biking community turned out in huge numbers...

9 years ago

Seeing as it is the off-season and we don't have the pleasure of watching Claudio entertain us as he hammers down the world cup tracks...

9 years ago

Hilarious! You're going to enjoy this a lot. Claudio Caluori should be up for International MTB Personality of the Year judging by this laugh-out-loud charge...

9 years ago

We're not going to lie, knowing that Claudio is absolutely terrified just makes Red Bull Rampage seem even more gnarly, we didn't think it was...

9 years ago

Follow the wacky and wonderful, Claudio Caluori as he previews the 2015 Foxhunt course in Rostrevor. In just over a week over 400 riders will ride down...

9 years ago

Yeah, you guessed it, it's Claudio time! This time he takes us for a run with the legendary, Cedric Gracia. Follow the guys down the...

9 years ago

This isn't the usual Claudio preview we're used to, but even so it's cool to see him branching out to do different things. This time...
