News Tagged: 'Chromag Bikes'
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12 years ago
Nothing amateur about this video, both the riding and edit are really cool. Nice to see a hardtail being featured in a vid! Cortland Thibodeau...
12 years ago
Whip your Monday morning into a frenzy with this stunning edit featuring Mark Mathews riding at the Whistler Bike Park in Canada, filmed and edited...
12 years ago
Imagine having a best friend like this, no need to wait while they fix a puncture, and no need to wait while they yarn about...
12 years ago
A full length feature from the talented guys at Chromag! You'll need to find yourself a spare 45 minutes to watch this one, and you...
12 years ago
Feel good Friday is back! Big thanks to the guys at Chromag! Jinya Nishiwaki, Dan Skogland and Kevin Phelps rip hardtails on some new and...
13 years ago
We can't think of a better video to share with everyone on a Friday afternoon after a long week at work. Whistler Bike Park has...