News Tagged: 'Chromag'
2 years ago
direction, riding, filming, editing, colors and sound by Peter Kaiser supported by Chromag Bikes last clip by Leon Thiele
2 years ago
Convalescence: the time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment. In the late afternoon of July 6 2021, Jake Fox broke his neck riding...
6 years ago
Check out this video for some classic BC biking. If you're missing summer shralping and leaving a cloud of dust in your wake, you've definitely...
6 years ago
2019 marks the 6th Anniversary of the Knolly Grassroots (GSR) Program, and we are super excited about the upcoming season and the future of the...
6 years ago
Few things compare to a day spent riding with friends. For proof, look no further than Reece Wallace and KC Deane cruising Deer Valley, Utah....
7 years ago
Check out this sensational footage of the new Evil Offering. What a great way to kickstart your Sunday and get you in the mood for...
7 years ago
This video is a must watch!! Evil have launched their new Insurgent LB. You might be wondering what the 'LB' stands for? Well, it's simply...
7 years ago
More new bike loveliness, this time from the workshops of Commencal. It's been two years since the opening of our offices in the promised land...
8 years ago
FLIPPIN' YES!!! Little rippers on bikes is one thing but when they're this good it gives you goose bumps! Brook Macdonald and some of the...