News Tagged: 'Cannondale Bicycles'
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10 years ago
As we enter the last round of the EWS in Finale Ligure, lets enjoy the quiet before the storm. There's titles on the line, but...
10 years ago
Sun in the Alps and rain in the Utah desert! Whilst the Rampage riders are splashing around, catch up on the final day of the...
10 years ago
We've all hit the deck and been forced to sit it out for a while, the hardest thing is getting back up to speed. Check...
10 years ago
Fatigue is setting in, the legs are beginning to slow, but the adventure continues! Tune in for day 4 of the Mavic Trans-Provence.
10 years ago
As day three comes to an end, riders are starting to feel the pain, pushing their bodies to the limit and in some cases literally...
10 years ago
Day 2 is done and dusted for the Mavic Trans Provence. With a dramatic increase in the amount of times you can hear laughter and...
10 years ago
The week long Mavic Trans-Provence returns for 2014, this race really is a must for any serious mountainbiker to attempt at least once! Day 0...
11 years ago
Flickably nimble. That's what comes to mind as Jerome Clementz shreds Finale Ligure on the Cannondale Jekyll 160mm 650b. Equipped with the Lefty SuperMax, he...
11 years ago
During French Enduro Series round 1 in Blausasc this past weekend, JC goes from 33 kph to zero in an instant which results in a...