News Tagged: 'Brayden Barret-Hay'

5 years ago

With the Covid-19 outbreak causing travel to be cancelled and being locked down most of the time, Brayden Barrett-Hay decides to take to the tools...

7 years ago

There's just something about riding in Spain that makes sense. Maybe it's the sun, dry trails, Sangria and great riding. Maybe it's the opportunity to...

8 years ago

Strap on your big boy/girl pants, grab a box of tissue and watch this inspiring edit from the latest and greatest of Backwoods Jam, Coast...

10 years ago

If your trails are under water and you've moved to the skate park, then get inspired by Brayden Barrett-Hay, as he rips his way around...

11 years ago

Inspirational stuff this, we saw the crash at Joyride and it's great to now Brayden is getting back on his bike! Some six months after...
