News Tagged: 'Bluegrass'

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8 years ago

Keeping it gangsta with the Polygon UR Team. Get a load of this sweet round up from the team's business transactions over at Crankworx, Les...

8 years ago

Showing us how it's done, battling through the mud and showing huge commitment this was Tracey Hannah at her best, claiming a win for Polygon...

8 years ago

This is messy, but don't worry it's not what you think! The Dudes boys build and ride a beautiful rut trail in just one day!...

8 years ago

It would seem the Bluegrass athletes have had a productive trip out in New Zealand for Crankworx.  A superb recap, from pumptrack cruising to downhill big...

8 years ago

What a race! Norco Factory Racing got off to a great start to the season with Sam Blenkinsop and new recruit Joe Smith braving the...

8 years ago

It's all gone a bit mental in New Zealand in this mad mass start from the Polygon UR Team tribe taking on NZ Mayhem, a...

8 years ago

DH DNA, racing pedigree, aggressiveness attitude… What does that really mean when you tackle mountains? Running against the clock, being brave and confident, discovering new...

8 years ago

New Zealand doesn't do half measures in anything, especially when it comes to mountain bike racing events. Check out how UR Team did at a...

8 years ago

Crank up the volume and throw your bike in the air like you just don't give a damn. Alvaro Alcala takes us on a tour...
