News Tagged: 'Ben Deakin'

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3 years ago

Heres what happened when Ben Deakin went to Bikepark Wales the other week with Olly Wilkins and Brendan Fairclough and a few home mates after...

3 years ago

en The Deakinator is getting a little older every year, and to make sure he can keep up with the young guns Focus bikes sent...

4 years ago

This week's Wipeout Wednesday comes to you courtesy of Ben Deakin and his personal compilation of some pretty epic crashes over the years!

4 years ago

Ben Deakin - I went and checked out a riding venue that i've ridden a few times over the years with a number of staff...

4 years ago

Time penalties for suspension or disk brakes or anything remotely that makes your bike better? Sounds like one way to have fun! Ben Deakin and...

4 years ago

Ben Deakin - Absolutely love this place so I thought id come check it out again, luckily joined by a few BMX Legends with Steve...

5 years ago

As some of you are aware DMR do not make an E-Bike, so Ben Deakin got sent one to try out - check it out.

5 years ago

Ben Deakin's shares some tips on jumping. Due to the current climate please ride within your own abilities and start small and progress.

5 years ago

After the manual video, Ben Deakin got asked if he could do a few standard skills that people could try in a small space at...
