News Tagged: 'Amir Kabbani'

8 years ago

It's all about riding bikes. Although Amir and Tyler have been competing against each other for years, there's clearly nothing better than just playing bikes,...

8 years ago

Hailing from different sides of the world, Amir and Tyler grew up in very different places with a distinct variance in cultures. They've been competing...

9 years ago

How fast? Watch Amir Kabbani and Reece Wallace wring the life out of these awesome-looking dry and dusty BC trails. There is some serious warp...

10 years ago

Catch up with GT rider Amir Kabbani as he heads from the city, to where he feels most at home, in the woods shredding the...

11 years ago

This is a great insight into what goes into making a top end bike film, not only do the riders have to hit the trick...