News Tagged: '50:01'

4 years ago

YT Industries rider 11 year old Harry Schofield is no stranger to big jumps, here in this video we see him on his first visit...

4 years ago

You might not understand Sam “Dave” Hockenhull, but his riding speaks for itself. Joining the Cannondale Waves crew, Dave rips through corners, pops off jumps...

4 years ago

Josh Lewis rounds up all his highlights from 2020 into this one video, not a bad year by the looks of things!

4 years ago

Craig Evans hucking and sending everything in sight in this latest short video from the 50:01 crew

4 years ago

Some footage from a few days playing on bikes during the fine winter weather. As mentioned at the end, sorry for our limited range of...

4 years ago

The 50:01 crew bring you some footage from a week in Autumn encouraged by a break in the rainfall, not to mention a rare appearance...

4 years ago

All Wheel Drive surfaced the story of joy bringer, boxer, BMX and mountain bike rider, motivational force, and ball of energy Dan Paley. This cut...

4 years ago

Time to get jibby with it: The crew lock horns with Max's bouncer, the flow was there to grab and enjoy if the train could...

4 years ago

Remember! Keep your trails clean! Having ridden this spot for 20 years, I have never seen it so messy. while lockdown has created time for...
