Good Times with YT and The Green Commute Initiative
Tue 20th Aug, 2019 @ 9:30 am
Getting to ride a YT down your local trails and enjoying your commute and Good Times on two wheels just got a whole lot easier! German direct-brand YT Industries has partnered with one of the UK’s leading cycle to work schemes ‘The Green Commute Initiative’ (GCI) enabling commuters and mountain bikers to get their hands on a brand-new YT and save up to 47% in the process.
Save money whilst shredding trails
The Cycle to Work scheme has been around since 1999 now and is aimed to encourage more people to live a healthier more active and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Now, YT Industries is adding Good Times to the list. The German bike brand is on a mission to enable as many people as possible to experience Good Times on a bike and the direct seller is looking to extend the YT Family within the UK. Working with The Green Commute Initiative is a first step on the way to achieving that goal. Mountain bikers can look forward to browsing and deciding on the YT of their dreams. Thanks to there being no £1,000 limit on the scheme the whole range of YT bikes will be obtainable; yes, that includes the DECOY and all top-of-the-range pro race models. Shredding trails at the weekend, making your ride to work fun and saving money on a brand-new bike? How is that even possible?
“We are stoked to be able to offer this great opportunity to customers in the UK from now on. Thanks to the Green Commute Initiative’s flexible and accessible schemes for companies and employees we look forward to enabling Good Times for even more riders in the UK in future.”
– Markus Flossmann, CEO YT Industries GmbH“GCI don’t see any reason for commuting by cycle to be a boring experience and we know how much fun YT bikes are. Why wouldn’t you want to commute on one and build your fitness for the trails at the weekend?”
– Rob Howes, Managing Director Green Commute Initiative
How does it work?
The process starts by asking your employer if they offer a cycle to work scheme with The Green Commute Initiative. If not, your employer can easily offer GCI even for a single employee. Essentially your employer provides the YT through the GCI scheme. Your salary is reduced for a time period which you and your employer agree on. Common terms are 12, 18, and 24 months. This reduces the amount of tax you have to pay so you can save up to 47% on your purchase, depending on your tax bracket. After a year, GCI will get in touch to offer an interest-free loan of the bike for 5 years. This is required due to HMRC regulations. At the end of that time, GCI can transfer the ownership title to you for a £1 fee.
GCI offers a handy savings calculator online: https://greencommuteinitiative.uk/savings/
Step-by-step guide to getting your new YT:
For more Information about YT Industries: