IMB is Hiring!
IMB, the most progressive bike magazine on the planet is looking to hire some interns for a 4-month period over the winter. If the internship goes well there is an opportunity to join the team in a more permanent role.
We are looking for aplicants from the US and Europe. The role will involve seeking out daily news and videos for the IMB Website, updating the FB and Twitter pages, and helping to create feature articles for each issue of the magazine. It is a part-time position and can be undertaken alongside university studies or another part-time job.
Being a digital company you should be able to understand how to write an email, have a Skype account, know what an FTP Server is and have a good understanding of WordPress.
The Applicants Should Have:
An excellent command of the English written and spoken language either at high school or degree level.
An ability to work to deadlines is esential.
Self motivated (predominantly home-based working over the Internet.
A computer with good Internet access.
Passionate about Mountain Biking and Mountain Bikes.
Good skill level on the trails.
A keen interest in photogrphy and videography would be preffered.
Thier are deliberate mistakes in this post, if you can find 5 of them then send us your CV with a brief intro as to who you are and why we should add you to the team!
Click here to email us, please maintain the subject title ‘I am applying for the Job at IMB’
Wed 12th Sep, 2012 @ 3:39 pm