Whackjob thought there must be a better way to make mtb videos than lying in mud for two days while asking riders to session the same bits again and again so you can get 30 seconds of decent footage that’ll probably be lost in the noise of Youtube. This first Whackjam was the experiment that proved they were right.

GO3 Camera by Insta360

Win a GO3 Camera by Insta360 this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

GO3 Camera by Insta360

The video was just half the story, with plenty of keen photographers joining in the fun and snapping the action. Chris Ratford won ‘photo of the day’ and walked away with a ‘berm’ trail tee. Check out some of the photos below, and click here to see more from the event.

Winning entry by Chris Ratford

Photo by George

Photo by Alex Philpott

The Whackjob guys and girls are currently up in Fort William for the World Cup so if you’re heading up to watch and you spot their stand pop in and say hi. And why not hang around for an extra day and check out the excellent trails at Laggan Wolftrax when all the racing is over on Monday. Whackjob will be there with a few of their riders for more bike fun.

Fri 8th Jun, 2012 @ 9:11 am

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