SQ Lab

SQ Lab


Mountain Bike Reviews - SQ Lab 611 Ergowave Active 2017
Mountain Bike Reviews - SQ Lab 611 Ergowave Active 2017
SQ Lab 611 Ergowave Active

When is a saddle not a saddle? When it's an SQ Lab saddle. This is not just an off the peg lump of plastic, metal and fabric, or merely a place to park your behind while you smash out the miles on the bike. Flick through the website and you find that, instead of engineers, the most common job title...

2 years ago

The main body of the 5OX plastic pedals is reinforced with glass fiber (30%), they offer a slightly concave platform with a large contact area...

7 years ago

You probably thought that MTB grips were just mundane and that there really wasn't much else to say. Well, turns out that there's some science...

2 years ago

The main body of the 5OX plastic pedals is reinforced with glass fiber (30%), they offer a slightly concave platform with a large contact area...

7 years ago

You probably thought that MTB grips were just mundane and that there really wasn't much else to say. Well, turns out that there's some science...


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