Hayes Components

Hayes Components


Mountain Bike Reviews - Hayes Components Dominion A4 Brake 2019
Mountain Bike Reviews - Hayes Components Dominion A4 Brake 2019
Hayes Components Dominion A4 Brake

I’ll be honest, the last time I rode a bike with Hayes brakes was probably back in the early 2000s on the original Hayes HFX9’s (remember those?) and while famous for being incredibly reliable, their braking performance and feel could be best described as, well, wooden. Fast forward the years and Hayes have started from the ground up with the...

6 years ago

Hayes Performance Systems release the new JUNIT collection - premium performance from youth-sized mountain bike components, perfect for the groms! Hayes Performance Systems’ product development...

6 years ago

Hayes Performance Systems release the new JUNIT collection - premium performance from youth-sized mountain bike components, perfect for the groms! Hayes Performance Systems’ product development...

Issue 61

Brand new bikes from YT, Kona and Merida are on test, plus Ewen says goodbye to his Marin Alpine Trail long termer. We get clean with Muc-Off’s new jet washer and try to find a bike that can keep up with MRPs new Ribbon SL suspension fork.

5 years ago

Hayes Performance Systems is the force driving Hayes Disc Brakes, Manitou, Reynolds, SUNRinglé, ProTaper, and Wheelsmith.

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