Effetto Mariposa

Effetto Mariposa


Mountain Bike Reviews - Effetto Mariposa Giustaforza II Pro Torque Wrench  2015
Mountain Bike Reviews - Effetto Mariposa Giustaforza II Pro Torque Wrench  2015
Effetto Mariposa Giustaforza II Pro Torque Wrench

If, like me, you usually do your bike maintenance with a multi-tool and a bit of guesswork as far as to what those funny numbers with the nm after them mean then this is for you. Bolts on our bikes are made of pretty soft stuff, and over tightening them can lead to a wealth of issues. Equally you could...

10 years ago

Commencal have officially announced the launch of their new enduro team, run by Cécile and Cédric Ravanel. We tested the bike they will be racing...

10 years ago

Commencal have officially announced the launch of their new enduro team, run by Cécile and Cédric Ravanel. We tested the bike they will be racing...


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